A Natural Extensive Research On The Lifestyle Of Retirees In Dubai

the expat in dubai  Caucasians mostly from Europe, US, Canada, Australia, and South Africa covet the administrative and managerial positions in Dubai.

Numerous blue collar and small business owners are from India, South Asian (i.e. Pakistanis), Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis. There are lots of Filipinos (Philippines) in Dubai as well.

A Typical Working Day

Because there are separate residential, financial, educational, religious, and recreational areas in Dubai, it usually takes more hours for you to be able to reach your workplace. As a result of undeniable fact that working hours begin a little late each day in comparison with Western nations, several expats indulge in morning exercise. Expect to pay 8-10 hours in the office and then meet up friends and colleagues for drinks at the happy hour nearby. Get home later, have a late dinner, shower, watch TV or go out and about your business. Going out in malls, bars and nightclubs is a favorite activity for younger crowd.


The most preferred accommodations are apartments and condominiums. They're less expensive, centrally located and easier to find. Dubai Apartments definitely are the most affordable and typically the most popular housing option in Dubai. Some expat families, particularly high paid ones, live in full size Dubai Villas.




You'll rarely see white collar working expats in public transportation. Majority of the executives have their particular cars. Its super easy to purchase an automobile in Dubai and can be achieved by any individual. The lower interest rates ensure it is easy and cost effective to secure an auto loan.


You will see most expats are usually out dining. They don't really waste their time cooking and cleaning in the home although domestic help is cheap and available. Expatriates with families tend to achieve this more. Many decide to have delivery orders since food is cost effective and eating establishments don't take delivery charges. You can find restaurants around Dubai and you will see food from throughout the world.


Weekends in Dubai start Friday. Again, dining out, bars and nightclubs are well-known activities. Many also enjoy barbecue as Dubai has a perfect climate for it. Numerous beaches and parks have grills you can use.

Many expatriate families meet up with groceries, shopping and phone calls over the weekend. Most of the expatriates rarely do household chores since most of them live in rented homes instead of buying a home and residing in it. There is no incentive to do housework.

Dubai is also popular for water activities in addition to desert activities like the safari and dune bashing. Various expats indulge in these activities, particularly while friends are in town to visit. Leisure activities such as for instance movie and sun bathing at the beach are just as common.