Key Issues Facing Travel Agencies for Survivability

A travel agency that wants to survive the demands of today's and future business environment can no longer simply be a store for distribution or friendly neighborhood business. Agencies that are now looking toward the future with optimism are those who have structured a business rather than a distribution outlet. This information is meant to reach those agency owners and managers who have a reasonably sizable volume, have established good business relationships with corporations, and are seriously worried about their future well-being.

I hope to touch on a couple of areas that are of concern, giving some insight into areas that you might or may not have previously targeted as imperative to survival. Remember, it is sometimes obvious that escapes us, so don't believe that the simplicity of some of these areas is unintentional. The important thing to survival is overall profitability, but there are a few subtle areas that affect whether you're profitable.


A travel private guide in st petersburg is just a rather unique business when viewed from a profitability standpoint. It's probably the only retail industry that's minimum control over its retail pricing structure. Although alternative pricing exists, it is not a successful means for the typical agency to gain and/or maintain profitability. Thus, it is vital to produce a careful analysis of your costs and your income.

Maybe you have taken the time and energy to analyze productivity; the typical per-transaction cost set alongside the average per ticket/transaction fee revenues received? What about individual productivity? Are you experiencing fair, firm, viable, and enforceable expectations of what your salaried employees must produce? Is your payroll consistent with your company volume?


If you're asked to mention by simply how much you wanted to increase your volume in 2012, you most likely would have a ready response. But, have you thought through what measures you will need to take to increase your volume? If you intend to increase your market share, you need to keep a constantly growing and evolving prospect list and then follow-up with sales-related meetings and presentations. It will soon be required to generate new volumes in order to increase profitability or sometimes just to keep it. It's of utmost importance that your organization has a firm and tried sales and marketing strategy.

Set a target, focus on it, and produce a plan. Measure yourself by setting 90-, 180-, 270-, and 360-day goals. Evaluate your progress as you go along and give rewards to yourself and those individuals who have helped you to achieve those goals.

Another area that affects profitability can be your overhead. Use the same wise practice you do at home when it comes to the improvement of your physical environment. There seems to be a tendency, lately, to go somewhat overboard with these exact things, thus dramatically increasing capital costs, and depleting resources for potential investment in other areas.


Maybe you have heard someone say a company is as "good" as its employees? The capacity to attract and keep an excellent, solid, knowledgeable, mature staff is of great importance. State-of-the-art computerization in your working environment has little value without individuals in place to make your operation profitable.